Wednesday, April 05, 2006


Pretty Lady had literally just finished pumping up the tires on her mountain bike. She had Big Plans for this morning--she was going to bike round the park for her first Spring Round, to take in the blooming, budding trees, the fresh air, and the grass. She then intended to attend a mild Hatha class, stop by the Tea Lounge for a pot of black Ceylon and a sesame bagel, before embarking upon her shift at the co-operative. Then she looked out the window.

That is not a Spring Rainstorm, friends. It is a Blizzard.

Note the large, honkin' white flakes perching upon branches which also bear, or bore, a profusion of white blossoms.

Pretty Lady is carefully avoiding thinking about what this may mean for the garden she planted on her fire escape last weekend; she hopes that it melts off in time to avoid serious damage. In any case her kitchen cannot possibly contain all those pots.


BoysMom said...

If it makes you feel any better, we had slush fall from the sky today.
I'm sorry about your garden. That's very depressing. Have you a tarp or old blanket to throw over them? That's what we do when we get unseasonable cold, like frosts in June. I am not sure how well it would work where they are in pots, but I can't imagine it would hurt.
Where's Morgan? She's the plant specialist, maybe she's got some suggestions.
I do hope you got to your Yoga anyway, that will lift your spirits.

Shrubbery said...

Quick weather report from here in cold & snowy Denver...skies-clear; Temp-75; wind-zilch; humidity-who cares. These Denver winters and early springs are brutal.

Pretty Lady said...

Update: The sun came out during my co-op shift, and the snow had melted off entirely by the time I returned home. The cereus rootling (not the big one, that I had removed indoors after it blew over yesterday) appears unharmed, as do the roses. This may be precisely what the poppies need in order to germinate. I am most relieved, and thank you all for your concern.

Anonymous said...


I agree with Morgan - purchase the plastic tubs for covering just in case. I live in upstate NY and can remember it snowing on rare occasions in May. I'm also getting panicky as I planted a magnolia last year - blooms are now opening.
