Saturday, August 30, 2008

Let It Be Known

that if some wealthy, elderly, besotted fool so far forgot himself as to ask Pretty Lady to be his Vice Presidential candidate, she would have the good sense and humility to decline the honor, being, as she is, thoroughly unqualified for such a responsibility.


Anonymous said...

Would that others were as grounded in reality as Pretty Lady.

Had a similar thought cross my mind. Were my Ego to flatter me into thinking I was presidential material I, being well grounded also, would dismiss it, knowing I had neither the qualifications nor the experience. My Ego would insist, with another tack. It would flatter me that I had a “charism”, a gift to charm people and make them tingle all over. Both feet still on the ground, I would continue to resist the flattery. Charisma might be useful in getting me elected president but does not qualify me to be president.

Carol Diehl said...

Yeah, actually he asked me already, but I said no, having too much on my plate this fall to have time to campaign. Now, however, I see that I should have set aside my own petty concerns and put my country's needs first, as I'm much better qualified than his second choice.

Pretty Lady said...

Charisma might be useful in getting me elected president but does not qualify me to be president.

Certainly not; but sadly, nobody can be President without it, or Pretty Lady would be a stalwart supporter of Dennis Kucinich.

What Pretty Lady does look for in a President is excellent organizational skills; wide-ranging grasp of the subtleties of both domestic and foreign affairs; cool, considered decision-making that is not swayed by perceived political expediency, much less overt pandering to the lowest common denominator; choosing his advisors from a wide range of experts; and the ability to inspire people to be and do their best for themselves and others.

Wollf Howlsatmoon said...

I thought Ted Kennedy was to ill to run?